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Landmark Chevron Doctrine Struck Down

Supreme Court Overturns 40-Year-Old Doctrine in Major Precedent Shift

Landmark Chevron Doctrine Struck Down

In a landmark decision, the United States Supreme Court has overturned the Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council precedent. This 40-year-old doctrine required courts to give deference to federal agencies in interpreting ambiguous laws and regulations.

Court's Ruling Splits Justices

The decision, issued on Friday, was closely divided, with a 5-4 split among the justices. The majority opinion, written by Justice Neil Gorsuch, argued that Chevron was not grounded in the Constitution or common law and had led to an excessive degree of judicial deference to federal agencies.

Shift in Regulatory Landscape

The overturning of Chevron is expected to have a significant impact on the regulatory landscape in the United States. It gives courts greater power to scrutinize federal agencies' interpretations of laws and regulations, making it potentially more difficult for agencies to implement their policies.

Conclusion: A New Era in Administrative Law

The Supreme Court's decision marks a major shift in the balance of power between the judiciary and federal agencies. By overturning Chevron, the Court has asserted its own role as the ultimate interpreter of the law. This decision signals a new era in administrative law, where courts will play a more active role in shaping the regulatory landscape.
